The Last Time

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The Last Time

Post by unity_girl » August 18th, 2019, 7:22 pm

This is the last time I will write about you,
This is the last time you will split me in two.

As the anger finally drifts from my soul,
Only sadness fills its hole.

This has damaged me more than I care to say,
There’s nothing left inside but decay.

You come and go because you don’t care,
Each time you take more than your share.

You said your love for me has faded,
Now the agony has invaded.

You hurt me beyond belief,
Yet I am still only concerned for your grief.

Can I go everywhere you go?
Convince you that your love will grow?

I’d still hold you another last time,
In my dreams you are always mine.

It’s an instinct to look after you,
Even with all you put me through.

Eventually at peace I will be,
Knowing you were loved by me.

This isn’t the last time I will write about you,
This isn’t the last time you will split me in two.

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Re: The Last Time

Post by Zaylane » August 19th, 2019, 12:38 am

The first two lines were filled with such determination. Especially the second line:
This is the last time you will split me in two.
It's gets so much nore devastating as every other stanza is broken from the first and in two. A very clever write. Thank you for sharing.

Give me a paper,
and give me a pen,
I'll write justification,
I'll need it as well.

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Re: The Last Time

Post by Versus » August 21st, 2019, 10:08 am

You say one thing, yet it sounds as though you mean the opposite of what you are saying. This hypocrisy, so lovely sung in your poem, is the stuff love is made of, foreplay, if you will. You say goodbye, and yet you expect a lot from this person, who is, evidently, imperfect. If love were perfect, love would disappear, vanish, for there is no such thing as perfect love, even though some might argue that Don Juan, the greatest lover in the World, defies what is obvious. If I were your boyfriend, you'd quite possibly commit hara-kiri. So don't be all too harsh with your man. After all, he is just a man. Thanks for the read.

P.S. My apologies is you are not a woman but a man.

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Re: The Last Time

Post by rupertpupkin » June 7th, 2020, 5:05 am

I love how your poem goes full circle with the closing two lines. Good stuff


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Re: The Last Time

Post by rupertpupkin » April 14th, 2021, 2:29 am

Well done on the most deserving spotlight!


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