F.A.Q. - My Poetry Doesn't Get A Lot of Reviews!

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F.A.Q. - My Poetry Doesn't Get A Lot of Reviews!

Post by Chelle » April 15th, 2012, 5:34 pm

"I never respond to other peoples' work; I just want reviews on my poetry. Why doesn't my poetry get a lot of reviews? Aren't the Mods supposed to read everyone's poems?"

While it's true that all staff (Moderators and Administrators alike) are supposed to make sure that all posts receive at least 3 replies; it can take a long time for every single poem on TPS to get reviewed solely from the staff. The staff does their best, but this needs to be a group effort from all TPS members. This is why we ask members to review 3 other pieces for every one of your own poems that you post.


"What is this 3:1 ratio that everyone keeps talking about?"

3:1 is the abbreviation of our posting guideline which states that members should review three poems by other members for every one new poem they share.

Why should others reply to your work, if you don't reply to theirs?

It is a known fact that the more reviewing you do, the more other members will see your name around the boards and therefore be more interested in reading your work.


So by doing some extra reviewing you are also increasing your chances of getting more reviews.

Also the more you read others work the more new and different ideas you'll take in which can get your creative juices going and who knows what new direction your poetry will take.


"I just wrote five new sad poems; what's wrong with posting all of them at once?"

'Flooding' (the act of posting more than three new posts at one time) is never a good way to try to get more replies. Usually it will deter members from reviewing your work. This is why we ask that members only share three new poems each day per board. Anything over that amount will likely be removed.

Remember everyone that posts at TPS wants reviews on their work; comment unto them as you want yourself!

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