F.A.Q - Who Do I Contact For What?

Inside this board is a list of our most frequently asked questions. PLEASE CHECK THIS BOARD BEFORE EMAILING QUESTIONS!
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F.A.Q - Who Do I Contact For What?

Post by Chelle » April 15th, 2012, 5:42 pm

"I'm having a problem with something about/regarding your site, but there are so many staff members! So who do I contact for what?"

I know that we here at TPS have an extensive list of Staff members, but things break down quite easily.

Here's a simple break down :

If you have a question or problem regarding our website in general, you may contact us via our contact page which is located here:

If you see a member and their name is highlighted in Red then that means that they are a TPS Administrator, at the very top of the contact list. They are people that have been members for awhile and can help in any way you need.

If you see a member and their name is highlighted in Green then that means that they are a TPS Co-Administrator, second only to the TPS Admins. They are very dedicated members that generally help you in any way you need.

If you see a member and their name is highlighted in Blue then that means that they are a TPS Moderator, which we have as many as 20 or more at any given time. These people are the Admins' eyes and ears on the boards and are there to help members and enforce the rules set forth by the Admins. Make sure to contact the correct Mods for the boards; to make sure go to the main page and look next to any board where it says : Moderators :.

Ever wonder who is in charge of a certain board/thread/project?

Listed here are the names of Staff members that are in charge of projects.

The Poet Sanctuary Website
The Poet Sanctuary website, http://www.thepoetsanctuary.net, is managed by Chelle. She is also in charge of all of the graphics found on The Poet Sanctuary as well as the forum's coding. If you're having technical problems, contact her, she is our Webmaster!


TPS Writer's Workshop: Poetry Critique Central
Main Staff Member In Charge:
Click The Link For Information
http://www.thepoetsanctuary.net/forum/v ... m.php?f=29


The Poet Sanctuary Charity Projects
Main Staff Member In Charge:
We generally do an Angel Tree Project (sponsored by the Salvation Army) in November/December.

TPS Moderators
Main Staff Member In Charge:
Other Staff Members Directly Involved:

Click The Link For Information

Looking For a Few Good Staff:If you're thinking about being a moderator-please check this out and apply!
TPS Moderator Application
