A Second of Your Time

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A Second of Your Time

Post by SirFleshwound » November 8th, 2022, 11:21 am

Please forgive such intrusion, there was no intention to impede.
It was just because I caught your eye and felt compelled to intercede.
There really was no intention to harass or disaffect.
Compulsion washed with waves of urgency, caused this discourse circumspect.

I feel I must apologise or at least let me explain.
My heart warned of your presence long before its vision reached my brain.
Control became impossible,normal services interrupted.
My bodies motor functions rendered temporarily corrupted.

The reason was an overload most completely caused by you.
Syncopated senses stirred to stimulate, perfection thus ensued.
Feeling strangely confident, I must grasp the heated iron.
And let you know, I need to know if you are similarly enclined.

Did I really speak these words or were they just in my mind.
As politely you acknowledged me with a nod and smile in kind.
Emotion was your potion and your motion is sublime.
I felt I lived a lifetime in that moment you passed by.


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Re: A Second of Your Time

Post by Versus » November 8th, 2022, 12:45 pm

What is a moment in time with a bonny lass if not eternity she offers and keeps in her craving heart? I'm glad that at least someone feels that which repels sadness, at least for a short while, and keeps heartless darkness at bay. Thanks for the read.

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Re: A Second of Your Time

Post by AgentofChaos » November 29th, 2023, 4:28 pm

this i know very well, that second that seemed so much longer, slower and you feel like you've said so much ... except...

loved it.

Gingerly, I write

Agent of Chaos - Prose'd

Be a law unto yourself
Be a society unto yourself
Be a religion unto yourself
Be unto yourself; Yourself!

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Re: A Second of Your Time

Post by khurram » December 2nd, 2023, 1:18 pm

Cool poem. The lover is apologetic ... 'am I intruding, impinging?' 'I need to know' A flush of excitement. So real. Thanks for sharing.

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Re: A Second of Your Time

Post by Balustrade » January 7th, 2024, 12:28 am

It has been a long while since I have read sweet, honest, believable and uplifting words. And words about love, of all things. Very lovely world play. I love the longer sentences the flow seamlessly. Much much enjoyed.

Formerly known as DJK, and once fleetingly known as Win-der-mere.

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Re: A Second of Your Time

Post by CarolynKleefeld » January 10th, 2024, 5:00 pm

Skillfully composed, and written with authenticity and honesty. Uplifting and beautiful-- much enjoyed.

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Re: A Second of Your Time

Post by tangerinepie » March 28th, 2024, 8:36 pm

Hi M..
So much time gone by...Absolutely exquisite and dreamy. Like drifting into another era. Since I had the honor of writing with you, I always marveled at your ability to create one of a kind complexity in your poems...heart stopping to say the least.. Tangie..


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